What is acne?
Acne is generally that hair follicle inflammation caused by a series of pataphysiological changes starting with change of hormonal balance in adolescence. Acne vulgaris, broadly known as adolescence acne, come about through the course of a number of hormonal troubles as well as various hormonal drugs, swift of the quality of secretion of oily sebum by skin due to stress or because of an unkown reason. The most typical feature of ance vulgaris is that acne is accompanied by blackheads, called as comedones. The most important thing in treatment is to prevent occurance of these clog blackhead, each of which is a lesion of a symptom for an acne. After a while, sebum, which cant be removed out of body as it piled up under these blackhead-shaped plugs, is broken into fatty acids because of ‘propriniobacterium acnes’ bacteria getting involed and by the effect of lipase enzyme it secretes. Moreover, this starts a series of immunologic reactions that cause the occurance of red and swollen lesions with accumulation of pus on it.
Another form of acne, widely known as “gülleme” and generally appear at later ages differently from acne vulgaris is “acne rosese”. Plugs, which come about by accumulation of dead cells and creatine which is seen as blackheads (comedone) appearing before acne, are not observed. In its treatment are used simlilar drugs and methods to acne vulgaris.
How should be acne treatment?
The purpose of acne treatment, first of all, should be to prevent the formation of creatin and blckheads plugs and then stopping inflammation of accumulated fat under these plugs by bacteria, in other words, stopping bacterial reproduction and increase the quality of sebum by reducing its production.
From these treatment steps;
- Peeling treatments to prevent comodone production:Chemical peeling as clinical application, various peeling agents ( e.g. tropical retinoic acid derivations), orally high dose vitamin-A derivations ( isotretinoin=roaccunate) as home treatment etc.
- Decreasing fat secretion and increase its quality: IPL (Intense pulse light= a type of laser treatment) and chemical peeling as clinical treatment, a number of hormonal drugs (oral contraceptives =birth control pills, antiandrogens=diane 35, androcur ampoule etc.) as home treatment.
- Preventing bacertia reproduction:As clinical treatment, IPL treatment is also used to reduce bacteria reproduction. Various antibacterial pomads (Imex cream that contains tetracycline group antibiotics; rosace cream that contains metronidazole used in acne rosese etc.), solutions (e.g. cleocine t containing clindamicine) or long term oral low dose antibiotic treatment as at home treatment.
Among the treatments listed above the most commonly preferred and rather popular treatments, today, are clinical application such as “Chemical peeling”, “IPL treatments”, “regular skin care” and “biomesotherapy” which don’t have any serious side effect because of non-systematic usage, orally used peeling or gives results in a quite shorter time compared to treatments with antimicrobic prupose, showing a high rate of patient accord (because patients must go to the clinic for the treatment generally once in 15 days or they will be remined so as for them not to delay the treatment) and very low cost considering the grug use periods ( at least 6 monts for antibiotics; 5 monts for roaccutane); enable the treatment of previously formed spots and scars as a consequence of acne as well as preventing its active forming. Just as these clinical applications are effective by themselves, they can be applied in combination with other drug treatments. Among these, skin care plays a very important role in acne treatment as regular mechanical cleaning of blackheads besides the antimicrobic effect created by applying ozon steam and high frequency stimulation and clay mask that ensures abetement of excess fat.
Treatment of Speckles and Spots
Speckles and spots on our skin arise from intensifying of pigment melanine that gives our skin its colour and concentrating on that region, generally different from homogen colour changes occuring in the course of metabolic illnesses. At present, laser and IPL technologies used for the treatment are designed to target and destroy that melanine pigment-the tissue targetted is called cromophor.
Spots on our skin and colour changes might be from birth as well as sun effects, ageing, drugs, pregnancy, hormonal disorder and in the course of a number of metabolic illnesses. Speckles appearing either from birth or sun effects, senility spots, spots looks like speckles but larger (e.g. lentigo) can be treated more successfully by IPL system.
The light coming out of IPL source which is filtered and and freed in the state of only a determined wave length is intensively absorbed by melanine pigment which is then destroyed by the heat increase in the region that absorbs the light. The skin which contain less melanine pigment compared to spot or the region of treatment is not affected by the light. Thus, the spot is destroyed by heat while no change occurs in our skin. It would be possible to whiten almost completely in a few session (4-5) depending on skin type and time of occurance, depth of spot that is intented to treat.
What Are The Aspects To Pay Attention To Before And After IPL Applications
- As a general rule, it is more appropiate to apply in spring and winter when sun looses its harmful effects for skin, just as in chemical peeling.
- Protect the region of treatment from sun, avoid sun tanning, sun bathing and going to tanning booth before nad after IPL application.
- If you are to go out in the sun, use a product with high protection factor and that is proper for your skin for 3-4 weeks.
- Moistening your skin with an appropirate product for 1-2 weeks before IPL application would increase efficiency of treatment. Please take an advice from your doctor about the product.
- Warn your doctor and don’t use for a long time after treatment if there is a drug you regularly use such as especially birth control pill that contains oestrogen hormone or other drugs (Roaccutane= acne drugs such as isotretionin, tetrasiclin group antibiotics, streoid hormones, clorpromazine (largaktil), fenotiazine etc.) which might cause abnormal pigmentation (change of colour in skin). Consult your doctor for each drug you take.
- Avoid irritating your skin in the first day after IPL application, don’t take a very hot shower and don’t use any cosmetic product apart from moistening (soap, shampoo and colonge etc.) You might wash with warm water and use a moisturiser your doctor advices.
- You can consult your dotor to use creams that contain steroid or antihistaminic for rash or redness that might appear after IPL application.
Capillary Vessel Treatments
Do you constantly put on makeup or wear dark colour socks to hide your capillary vessels? You don’t have to carry on this. New generation Lumina IPL system uses visible, safe, short-time light to save you from capillary vessels in your legs and face in just minutes.
How Lumina IPL System Works?
The visible light that comes out of new generation Lumina IPL system applicator is transferred to treatment region through a constantly cooled glass prism. The blood in the problematic capillary vessels and their walls within the tissue under treatment contain hemoglobine that absorbs light and turns it into heat. That heat destroys the protein in the wall structure of capillary vessels. In the end, if the problem is in the shape of capillary vessel, they generally disappear right after treatment whereas if it is in the form of general rash and spot, it disappears gradually by safely absorbing as the sessions proceeds.
A thin layer of gel is appled to skin so as to transmit maximum amount of controlled light to vessels (as in ultrasound examination). Treatment applicator is push forward by sliding onto treatment region with the help of gel at each extrusion.
Which Capillary Veins Can Be Treated?
All of the capillaries in our skin and visible depths that surround our bodies can be treated. The most common treatment areas are the superficial veins on the face, on the nose and on the sides, on the breast, and on the skirts.
Since the treatment is based on the absorption of light by the hemoglobin in the bloodstream, the most effective results are seen in light-skinned individuals. However, the new generation Lumina IPL system has pre-programmed settings that provide the correct energy output for different skin colors and veins at different depths.
Sclerotherapy is first performed on very wide veins and then veins are made invisible by applying a new generation lumina IPL system to the narrowed veins. Long-pulse Nd Yag Laser application with deep veins in deep veins makes the new generation lumina IPL + Nd Yag Laser system extremely successful in treatment.
With this method, capillary dilatations on the skin, vascular tumors, vascular stains, enlargement of the leg veins leading to the varicose veins, red face, red nose, redness on the scars of surgical-wound-burn can be treated.
How long does IPL therapy last?
The duration of treatment will vary depending on the area to be treated or the number of distinct vessels in the area of treatment, and the duration of the treatment can generally be from a few minutes to 30 minutes.
Is IPL Treatment Painful?
It is not necessary to apply any anesthetic to the surface of the skin prior to treatment, and many people feel a rubber band feeling similar to the skin impact, followed by a feeling of warmth for a few minutes. Cooling after skin treatment may be helpful.
Is it necessary to take special precautions before and after IPL treatment?
The light used is a safe, visible light; Therefore, no special measures are required. Potentially harmful wavelenghts (such as Ultraviolet) are removed by our special double filtration system. However, care should be taken not to bronze before treatment; because it will increase the amount of pigment in the skin, causing the skin to absorb more light.
Generally, no post-treatment care is required; But people with sensitive skin can benefit from using a soothing cream for several days. We recommend that you avoid sun exposure before and after treatment and use sun protection (minimum SPF 20) for several weeks following treatment. Care should be taken to avoid compression socks and heavy workouts for 2 weeks after the treatment of the leg veins.
How many sessions does the new generation IPL treatment last?
Treatment occurs one to several sessions depending on the depth, thickness and width of the problem to be treated at 4-6 week intervals. The main factors determining the interval and number of sessions are the thickness of the skin and the proximity of the vessels to the surface and the density of the problematic capillaries. If the capillary to be treated is very apperant and close to the surface, it usually disappears in one session instantly.
In vascular-like large stains such as wine stains and vein tumors, a lot of sessions are required, depending on the depth of the stain or tumor. In these types of lesions, the color changes usually take place after the 3-5th session.
Is the New Generation Lumina IPL System All Applicable?
It should be avoided especially during the first 3 months of pregnancy and even during the first 6 months of pregnancy with a little more sensitivity. It should not be applied on congenital moles and brown-black stains skin tumors.
Why Should We Prefer the New Generation Lumina IPL System in Treatment?
In this 2004 system, the specific characteristics of energy can be changed according to the characteristics of vascular problems in the skin. Thus, a more sensitive energy type is formed and the treatments are performed earlier, faster and safer. In addition, the integrity of the skin can be further protected by this method.
What are the main points to be noticed before and after IPL practices?
- It is better to do IPLs in the spring and winter months, as the general rule is that the sun is less harmful to the skin just as it is in chemical peeling.
- Protect the area from sunlight before and after applying IPL, avoid suntan, do not have sun bath and do not use solarium.
- If you go out to the sun, you should use a product with a high protection factor that is suitable for your skin type for at least 3-4 weeks
- Moisturizing your skin with a suitable product for 1-2 weeks before IPL application will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Please consult your doctor about the product.
- Before starting IPL treatment, if there is a drug that you use regularly like a birth control pill which contains estrogen and other drugs( isotretinoin acne medications such as Roaccutane, antibiotics in tetracycline group, steroid hormones, chlorpromazine (largaktil), Phenothiazine) you should absolutely warn your doctor and do not use it for a long time after the treatment. You should consult your doctor for each medication you take.
- Keep your skin free from irritation on the first day after IPL application, do not take extreme hot baths and apply no cosmetic products (such as soap, shampoo and cologne) other than moisturizer. You can wash it with warm water and use a suitable moisturizer that your doctor has prescribed.
- You may use antihistamine or steroid creams in consultation with your doctor for rashes or itching after IPL administration.